What is parts work?

Just as your physical body is made up of several intricate systems, your mind is a system of parts, a team of different versions of you. The systems of both your body and your mind are intertwined and influence how you interact with yourself and the world around you.

All parts have good intentions and our behavior is driven by parts’ motives to protect us. In other words, our parts have good reasons as to why they lead us to do the things we do and one goal of therapy is to help you be able to identify the players in your system, to understand the positive intent behind their behavior, and learn how to communicate and work with them.

Our parts communicate to us through our thoughts, feelings, and body sensations. Some use imagery or visuals. They can press on our body systems such as using physical pain, migraines, and changes in motivation, appetite or energy level. Additionally, there are studies being done about parts influencing a person’s physical health such as arthritis, inflammation in the body, and chronic pain. In other words, our parts live in our minds and our bodies and can affect the body.

Rather than an onion, that has layers you peel back to get to the heart of a problem; parts-work is more like garlic, where there are clusters of parts that work more closely together and parts that are polarized, or trying to protect the system in opposite, competing ways.

Mapping your unique inner system will help you get to know the players on your team. It will provide clarity as to who the major parts are; the aspects of your personality that come out the most. Once you know the major players, it will be easier to learn the role each one plays in your system and the good intent behind why they lead you to do what you do. Later on you’ll be able to take this information and decide whether or not that role is working for you in the way it is intended by the part, or if something needs to change.

When starting to get to know your inner system, it can be helpful to make note of the recurring thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that happen in your life. Identifying patterns of these things is a clue that it is likely a part. It can help to think about what is not working for you in your life as well as identify what beliefs you have about yourself. Ask yourself: what are the things that I want to change about how I react to the world around me or how I treat myself?

To get started on your own parts-work journey, download the free worksheet that helps you determine what your parts (your team of players) might be!

Disclaimer: this resource is not intended to replace professional help, but is rather a self-help tool that can enhance your work with a licensed provider. If you become dysregulated while working through this resource, it is imperative that you seek professional services from a qualified, licensed provider.

Recommended reading and Reference: if you are curious about this perspective of how the mind works, I recommend that you check out Richard Schwartz’s book No Bad Parts available where you buy your books! Some of the material from this blog post was drawn from his book.


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